Shimmie Horn

Recent Manhattan Excitement

Holland_tunnelManhattan encountered a wonderful slice of excitement last week as baby Nassim decided to enter the world – 6 weeks prematurely – at the Holland Tunnel.  The event has since been dubbed “the light at the end of the Holland Tunnel.”

Parents-to-be Abdel Elkarhat and Soukaina Nekhlaoui of Lodi, New Jersey, were en route to a Brooklyn hospital for the premature birth when contractions intensified, leading Elkarhat to pull over by the side of the tunnel for the baby’s unexpected fast delivery. Understandably, first time father was reported to have been “really frantic.”

Even though the news is often filled with the craziness of goings-on in the Big Apple, this heart-warming story really shows that there is also potential to encounter a beaming “light at the end of the tunnel” as well.

Shimmie Horn

Manhattan’s Heliport History

Manhattan’s west side boasts a heliport at West 30th Street.  It first opened with two landing pads in 1956.  A few months later, passenger flights were scheduled by New York Airways, marking Manhattan’s first ever airline flights. Given that there are no instrument procedures required (it’s not an airport) those boating in the Hudson River need to be particularly careful when approaching the landing pad.

For those vacationing in the area, at Shimmie Horn’s Belleclaire Hotel, the Clarion Hotel, or anywhere else in the vicinity, they might be interested in taking a tourist flight out there.  Remember, the estimated time for the heliport to relocate, is the end of this year, due to a court agreement which resulted from the action taken by the Friends of Hudson River Park that enforced the Hudson River Park Act, banning tourism flights from there.  So enjoy it now as it’s new location has yet to be confirmed.